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Mission Statement

"One of the most amazing accomplishments for me, by far was being able to be at home and assist my dad with a peaceful passing" This company is dedicated to him and to all of your loved ones"

      It is our mission that all individuals have the opportunity to remain safe and well in their homes for as long as possible.  It is an established fact that people do better at home than they do in an institutionalized setting with the appropriate supports available to them. A monetary value cannot be applied to the peace of mind that an individual and their caregiver will experience with supports intact.  The elderly have contributed to society's value and substance and now it is time for them to enjoy retirement and time for us to facilitate that in a respectful, non-invasive, professional and safe manner.  We are honored to have this opportunity.




     The owner  is a Registered nurse with over 22  years experience in the healthcare field; she also has a B.A. in Community Health and  extensive experience in all sectors of the healthcare field and population and includes Nurse Manager/Educator for a large community agency, Director of Care for a Long Term Care Facility where she had to ensure that the home adhered to all regulations of the Ministry of Health and Long Term care as well as train all regulated (RN) and unregulated (PSW/HCA) staff. she also has much experience with the special needs population and dual diagnosis and continues to provide educational sessions for support staff in these organizations.

     She has much experience in teaching and with several community agencies which provides her with the necessary experience and ability to delegate skills and enhance her employees skills so that the consumer receives care that is second to none!  she retains her frontline nursing skills and holds certifications in level 1 and 2 Health and Safety, dialysis, wound care and P.I.E.C.E.S. certifications and psychiatric experience and CBT (cognitive behaviioural therapy) certificate .  it is with this enthusiasum to learn and teach that she ensures that all of her staff members embrace the same eagerness  to learn and passion to help others. " Every single time that I entered a community client's home....I would look at the family pictures on the walls and on the tables and was honoured to be part of their life even if for just a few minutes".  Neil  is Jaime's life partner and business partner, Neil has always encouraged and stood by her throughout all of her dreams and endeveours. Jaime is also an author "The Travelling Scrub suit can be found on Amazon.



Profile of Owners

home care niagara,homecare niagara,ccac,senior care,elder care,special needs,alzheimers care


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